#5 - Nathan Stapley on Finding a Different Driver Than Money
Our guest today is Nathan Stapley. Nathan has dedicated his entire life to helping children with disabilities on a remote island in madgascar get access to education. Something they have never had before!
***This episode was before Quittable rebranded to Work Worth Doing***
Nathan's sacrifice and story is incredibly humbling, selfless, and will inspire you with whatever summit you're trying to currently climb!
- Business Instagram: @labcharity
- Nathan's Instagram: @labnathan
- Website: labcharity.org
Learn how I built my Airbnb Business below
- https://join.thesaco.co.uk?affiliate_code=e019b7
Instagram - @heydeanreilly @work.worth.doing.podcast
Website - workworthdoing.transistor.fm
00:00 - Introduction and Madagascar Background
02:15 - First Trip to Madagascar
04:14 - Corruption in Non-Profits and Inspiration for LAB
***This episode was before Quittable rebranded to Work Worth Doing***
Nathan's sacrifice and story is incredibly humbling, selfless, and will inspire you with whatever summit you're trying to currently climb!
- Business Instagram: @labcharity
- Nathan's Instagram: @labnathan
- Website: labcharity.org
Learn how I built my Airbnb Business below
- https://join.thesaco.co.uk?affiliate_code=e019b7
Instagram - @heydeanreilly @work.worth.doing.podcast
Website - workworthdoing.transistor.fm
00:00 - Introduction and Madagascar Background
02:15 - First Trip to Madagascar
04:14 - Corruption in Non-Profits and Inspiration for LAB
07:42 - Founding the LAB Charity
11:47 - Persistence and Early Challenges in Set-Up
17:24 - Fundraising Struggles and Pandemic Setbacks
17:24 - Fundraising Struggles and Pandemic Setbacks
22:55 - Rebuilding the Centre After Setbacks
30:32 - Daily Life for the Children at the Center