#3 - Paul Lawford on Escaping His 9-5 to Build Tiny-Homes

Our guest today is Pawl Lawford. Paul lives in a tiny home which he built himself after quitting his 9-5 after he was done with that life. And has since created a business helps other people build Tiny-Homes!

***This episode was before Quittable rebranded to Work Worth Doing***

Follow Paul
- Business Instagram: @thesmallchangemovement
- Paul Instagram: @elfordbagz

Learn how I built my Airbnb Business below
- https://join.thesaco.co.uk?affiliate_code=e019b7

Instagram - @heydeanreilly @work.worth.doing.podcast
Website - workworthdoing.transistor.fm

What you can expect to hear
- How Paul transitioned from event management to building and teaching about tiny homes
- The story of Paul constructing his own 180 square foot, off-grid tiny home for €30,000
- Paul's journey of learning construction primarily through YouTube and online resources
- Insights on overcoming imposter syndrome when starting a new venture
- The financial freedom and lifestyle benefits tiny home living can offer
- Important business lessons about transparency and accountability
- Honest discussion about struggles with work-life balance and the importance of taking breaks
#3 - Paul Lawford on Escaping His 9-5 to Build Tiny-Homes
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