#16 - The Hidden Struggles of Entrepreneurship with Scott MacPherson
Hey there. Welcome back to another episode of work worth doing where we aim to help you find and pursue the work that matters to you. Today's guest is Scott McPherson. Now Scott is a Scottish entrepreneur with a property business and truly is one of the most authentic personalities I have ever come across online. You might see gurus online talking about entrepreneurship and saying that you can earn tons and tons and tons of money.
Dean:Right? Which is great because you can. You absolutely can. But what you don't see very often is people actually telling you just how shit their 1st year has been or how shit their 2nd year has been and how much they're struggling right now and how much they're still showing up despite how shit it is. You don't hear people talking about having 85 p as the meals because why?
Dean:That's not glamorous. That's not sexy. That doesn't sell fucking courses. Now Scott does all of that. Scott tells us exactly what he's going through and shares it with such authenticity and gives you an insight into the real struggles, the real highs, the real lows of being an entrepreneur.
Dean:And does so in such a poetic way. As you'll see in this discussion when we roll into it now in a moment we kind of just start by chatting regularly. The cameras were just rolling and we just kind of fell into the discussion thereafter. By the way, I put a lot of prep into these. I research the guests.
Dean:I think about what questions you, the listener, might want to ask this particular person to help you and where you're at. And I research the guests thoroughly, go back through their history, think about what times and periods in their life would be suitable to dive in on that would be helpful for the listener. But there's a lot of prep. And this was the only time I have gone totally off script. Scott just went into subjects, and I just kinda let him roll with it.
Dean:And we bounced off it, and it just felt really natural, and it was quite cool. And what you'll notice about this chat is that Scott isn't making millions very, very far from it. He's been hit with massive setbacks that has caused him to actually go back into a job. But you'll also see how he's still surviving with a smile. So it's a very, very cool interview, and I'm very excited to share this one.
Dean:And last thing before we get in, I just wanna say to everyone who has checked out last week's episode with Tommy, wow. That was so unexpectedly well received, and we picked up so many new people who joined in for that conversation. And if you are one of them and you stuck around and you're coming along for the ride, welcome. You're in good company, I'm sure. So I think it's about time we get started with this interview.
Dean:I'm gonna throw you in with Scott and I in that studio. I hope you enjoy and I will catch you at the other end after the interview. Yeah. That was that must have been there.
Scott:There was it was okay. Right. Let me,
Dean:We're gonna write this call down because that looks like Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. What was I gonna do? Yeah.
Dean:Go ahead. 6200. 6200. Alright. Alright.
Dean:Last one. How many sessions are you? Kyle, so just Thank you. Can you twist that little dial there so I can see what time it is? Or there's on the fridge.
Dean:All of our clocks are here. So what time have we got up until? What when will I keep an eye on? The one that's booked is probably gonna come at half past, but I can I could
Scott:delay them little bit more because,
Dean:obviously, you come a little bit later? Okay. Yeah.
Scott:Let me
Dean:just double check for sure. Yeah. And they're gonna be recording the other room as well. So Alright. Okay.
Dean:We can just take a fit 10:50. Okay. Perfect. Alright. So it's 4:58 now.
Dean:Thank you very much, Kai. That was good shit. I was writing that down there.
Scott:Yeah. There's, that's you wouldn't believe how much I have more interest in, like, video editing, like And it's for you. I've never gotten the loss loss in the work of property. I've always got lost in the work of video. That's my calling.
Scott:Like, I love property, but I feel like, like I love property, but not as much as I love video editing. Yeah. Do you know what I mean? Like, video editing I don't know. Like, I literally like, you ever go in a daydream?
Scott:Like, even if it's, like, 10 seconds, but sound stops and you're like, holy shit. Like, you just feel like you teleported 10 seconds or someone's like like they're listening and you just we're in another world. Like, that's me for hours. And when you have, like, a noisy, chaotic, stressful, high angst like, high anxiety day to day, having those brief couple hours where you can just completely switch off is just the fucking dream. Mhmm.
Scott:So yeah.
Dean:Like You need stuff like that.
Scott:Yeah. And the fact that I was des like, for the last year and a half, just desperately trying to get it to tie into, property. And if you look at my reels, they're all over the place. YouTube channel, I used to try and be like, a combination of Alex Omozzi and, Jamie York. Jamie York's a property guy.
Scott:Fucking awesome. Like, highly educational, standing, basically talking head, and just dropping information like, stamp duty attacks and by flights and stuff. So I tried that and I would have panic attacks because I was like, what if this is wrong? Like, and I'd have a script and it'd take me 2 hours to record it and I'd be sweating. I'd have like I'd have I'd have tissues everywhere, Like, I'd be shitting myself, and it would take me about 2 days to write the quote script even though it wasn't.
Scott:I just I I I was terrified of being called out for being wrong, and so I had to stop all of that. But the solution to that was just document my life. No one could say it's wrong because I can't say it's wrong. Like, you know, like, yeah. That that panic attacks and anxiety is all gone now because why didn't I?
Scott:Which is cool.
Dean:Yeah. I I, man, I'm I'm keen for this. Sorry. Should we just start rolling?
Scott:Do you know what's pretty cool? I'll take 10 seconds of your time. Sometimes podcasts start you probably wanna cut this bit out. Sometimes podcasts start mid conversation. It's fucking cool.
Dean:Yeah. Yeah.
Scott:Yeah. I start a few of my videos like that.
Dean:Maybe I'll just fucking email it.
Scott:Yeah. It sucks you. Okay.
Dean:So I wanna get into all things your journey Mhmm. Social media, content Yes. Highs and lows. But I wanna start by asking you what have you had to quit in your life in order to be Scott McPherson who Quit. Sits here before
Scott:me? Well, I had to quit seeing friends. I had to quit seeing family, move 430 plus miles. I say it to people from Inverness, but that's just because it's easier to identify on the map. I'm from, like, a smaller, like, town called Alnes, about 20 miles north of Inverness.
Scott:So, one minute, I'm seeing, like, living with my parents until I was, like, 24. Seeing them all the time, seeing my family all the time, seeing my friends all the time. Next thing you know, me and my fiance just decide to move all the way to Sheffield to, start what we need to do. And Right. That was like we're we didn't overthink it.
Scott:Like, a lot of people think like, they overthink themselves into paralysis. It's called, like, analysis paralysis, ain't it? So we didn't overthink it. We just thought we thought Leeds, couldn't find a place. Where's next down on the map?
Scott:Sheffield. Like, we've never been there, didn't know anyone. Just thought, we'll go Sheffield because you can kinda go to London, kinda go to Manchester. Homes under the hammer, that's usually in Yorkshire. So, like, I saw I was watching the lockdown.
Scott:There's, like, well, we we do have kids, you know, we don't have any responsibilities. I can't, know what that's like. So if there wasn't was an opportunity just to go, oh fuck it, like I'm off. That was it. So, we still see them, like we use our holidays to go and see them rather than going on actual, like, holiday.
Scott:So, like, we still see them, but, quitting seeing my friends and family whilst I'll say, like, seeing the group chat, like, my family's off to the beach with the dogs and they'll be going to, like, camping. My friends, having kids, buying houses, going on holidays, cars, you know, like, that, like, I'm buzzing for all of them, but it's just so raw when me and my fiancee live in a studio. And, for the 2 of us living in a studio, like, you know, like, we're now getting in our late twenties. I'm, 27 this, this Sunday. And, yeah, like, still living in a studio is quite, I don't know, like you start comparing yourself to people and you start thinking in comparison to sleep for joy and you start going through all these, like, mindset quotes and start going to TikTok.
Scott:Like, oh, this will make me feel better. Then it's like, fuck, if I see one more quote, I'm gonna kill someone. Like, you know, you go through, like, these, like, cycles, but yeah. Like, I don't know. Like, quit going out.
Scott:It's probably good. I've not quit drinking. I'm, like, unintentionally sober because I can't afford to go out drinking, and I don't like that many friends down here, all down in Sheffield. So, yeah, like, unintentionally quit drinking.
Dean:Shit, man.
Scott:That's it.
Dean:How do you manage this is something I'm very curious about because as somebody who's moved to several new cities now, I know what it's like to start again. And I've been fortunate because I've done it with people I've known that are living in that city.
Dean:But I can imagine it being a hell of a lot tougher with no one there.
Scott:Well For for yeah, you know, like, well we have each other and look, trauma is like a serious word and believe me, like, I've seen my fair share fair share of trauma, but, like, so I'm gonna use this very, like, very loosely. There we go. But, like yeah. Like, when we're getting, like, 85 p ASDA essential ready meals and we're getting all the ASDA essential gear and not buying clothes and, you know, like, watching every single pound. And I said it before, but living in a studio, it's it's very intense when there's 2 of you, and you've got to go down 3 stories to do, like, your washing and stuff.
Scott:So when we share all of that, plus I'm pursuing property, starting a business from scratch, and she's pursuing acting, doing that from scratch, a lot of it's such and such the same. So, like, when we have that, like, shared, like, quote, trauma of me doing all these viewings, selling it to a client, and then it falls through, she does auditions, does all rehearsals. We we stay up doing the scripts together until, like, 1 in the morning doesn't get the part, like, we have that shared trauma. So, like, although we don't I know that, like, I don't know many people. I think I know people now, but although I didn't know many people, it was like we're in this together, and that was all I needed.
Scott:Like, that was literally all I needed, and still do. You know? Like, if I lost everything, like, we still got each other, and that's, like, that's insane. So, yeah, we're just being going on this adventure together. But starting by yourself, another good thing about starting from scratch by yourself is you're not embarrassed.
Scott:You're not you're not ashamed. No one knows you, so no one's gonna think anything of you. So you can, like, fuck up. You can go to networking events and stutter. You can, annoy people to the point they will meet you for a coffee and then just bombard them with questions.
Scott:Like, I didn't know the rules, and I didn't care about the rules when I did know them. Like, I was just relentless because it was, like, fight or flight. I was like, I didn't come all this way just to be, like, a little bitch and just not say anything to anyone, not do anything. So it kinda, like, triggered this, like, fight response. It was like, I don't care if I have to send 10 emails or 10 WhatsApps or Instagram messages to get a coffee and knowing that they don't even wanna be there with me.
Scott:Like, I I don't care, like, what anyone thinks because no one knows me. So, like, you know, I do.
Dean:That's incredible resilience, man. Because everyone would look at you, everyone looks at somebody online and thinks they know them and you just don't. Not until you ever sit down, feel someone out.
Scott:Yeah. Yeah. I mean I don't really meet many people. I wish I did. I wish I did.
Scott:Like like this. This is awesome. Like, I've spoken to you a while on Instagram and I finally get to see that you're a real person. That's pretty cool. So I need to do this a lot more.
Scott:I need to actually start, like, building friendships. But, you know, like, starting out, it's it's very it is lonely. Like, Alex Mosey and Chris Williamson spoke about this, the lonely chapter. And it's like the gap between disconnecting from your old friends and to your new friends, you know, and, like, that that I'm very, very, very lucky that I had Lauren. You know, like, she talked to me out of quitting, like, loads of times.
Scott:And essentially, that lonely chapter, I couldn't imagine what it's like doing it by yourself. That must be like fear of all fears but like, yeah, like that's real. It's raw. It's, it's pretty brutal.
Dean:I still feel that man. Yeah. Days. I think even more so now that I'm in sort of another new mountain, you know, when you're, like, beginning something and all you can see is this faraway peak. I'm kinda at that with podcasting.
Dean:At least I still feel that way and and that sense of just getting you feel it a lot more, don't you?
Scott:Yeah. Yeah. And what's brutal is, you just you always think once this happens, then I'll start feeling something. And then once this happens, then I'll start feeling something. So, it's kind of off topic but like what a massive lesson I learned was, stop saying when this happens I'll be happy or I'll be in certain emotion because it transfers over to something else.
Scott:Like, I mean, I've I've put I've realized when we got our, like, 4th deal. This was like 2 months ago. Pretty fresh. And, like, that that was like back and forth, back and forth. Like, are we gonna get it?
Scott:Are we gonna get it? Like, kept falling through, like, couldn't sell it, like, freaking out. I was on FaceTime to the investor at the property showing him around. I was like, look look how fucking amazing this is. It's awesome.
Scott:You know, like, yeah. He's on a holiday like that. What? Yeah. You know what I mean?
Scott:Like, it was, it was a lot for that deal, But I knew, like, this deal, should it go all the way to the end and should we get paid, that was the one that we can eventually, like, we can, like, quit our jobs now. Holy shit. Like, it's real. And that day, like, I felt like I was tearing up, and this is a bit of advice that I recommend to everyone starting out. I don't care if you're, like, feeling shit or feeling great, but if you're, like, if today's the day you're thinking, look, I'm gonna start my business.
Scott:I'm gonna go on company sites. I've got a name. Right? Like, I'm gonna do it. Record that.
Scott:When you get your first logo, record it, get a video, record it, hitting order, record it. I've recorded so much from literally, like, starting the company, in in our first studio with me and Lauren, you know, like, popping the champagne bottle, not knowing the world of shit that we were about to go through. Like, we were happy, man. We were just happy because, like, we went from, like, a bedroom at our parents' house to, like, our own studio, so it was an upgrade. But, like, recorded, everything.
Scott:So, like, my first time I put Facebook ads out and I got a lead for a potential investor, I recorded that call. Went fucking terribly. I was, like, reading off a script, like, shaking. Much like I am right now, but you probably hear my voice, like, I am nervous as fuck right now, but, like, you could definitely hear it in my voice then. And, reading off a script, if they ask a question and it wasn't on the script, I would freak out, you know.
Scott:Like I was recording all these and then I put more ads and I was like recorded rants. I was like, why the fuck would you sign a Facebook form and then not answer the fucking form? Like, just going nuts, like, to the camera. I've never posted it. Like, so, like, recording the ups and downs, ups and downs.
Scott:So then when I posted this one of, me tearing up, I initially recorded that, simply because I just wanted to document it, put it in the file for when I look back when I'm older. But then I thought, fuck it. I'll post this, man. Because, like, this is the most real raw emotion in real time, same day, literally as I posted it. This happened an hour ago.
Scott:Like, my eyes are still fluffy. My makeup's still ruined, you know. Like, it's still bad. So, like, it was the most real raw video I've posted, but, by the way, I'm just going to warn all the listeners I go off on mad tangents. I'm about to go off on another one.
Scott:Nothing to do with the question. I'm hanging here with you,
Dean:don't you worry.
Scott:So like that, that doing all of those videos then led to me posting, like, that one. I was like, fuck. I'll finally post 1 and show people, like, me and they're tearing up and just being happy. And then, that led to another type of content I was posting, and that was kind of where we started to, like, really connect. Like, when I started posting real shit, like, I I don't even know I don't remember most of what I've posted, but, like, it was it was away from here's 5 tips how to pay less stamp duty to, alright, here's how I fucked up, here's how I lost like $20, you know, like, and it it doesn't have a happy ending.
Scott:Like, you know, a good story has, like, set up conflict resolution. There was no resolution. It was just set up conflict, set up conflict, like, I just kept fucking up. And then it was like all the times that it went well and I had I've I've been getting messages from people, from I've been getting messages from people, like, it really resonates with them. And that's when it was like, oh, the followers don't matter.
Scott:And what we were just talking about, the quality of the followers, that matters. Some people you don't get many comments on Instagram, but you get a lot of DMs. On Facebook, you get a lot of DMs. And it's from people that really, they're in the throes of it. They're in the thick of it, and it's fucking it's I would say it's damn near ruining their lives, but they can't stop.
Scott:It's like heroin, you know, like, they can't stop. They don't want to stop, but they it's like a good kind of heroin. That's a terrible analogy.
Dean:What did they not want to stop though? Like They
Scott:didn't want to stop, being an entrepreneur. They didn't want to quit, you know, like, as the philosopher Kim Kardashian says, I didn't come this far just to come this far. Yeah. You know? So, these people when I'm posting about in real time, like, today this fucking happened, I'm like, I have some people miss me, like, do you not think, like, prospective clients are gonna see this and think that you're shit?
Scott:I'm like, no, we've actually got a waiting list of clients now because I'm not this fake, oh, here's how everything's going well. It's like, here's things going well, but, like, here's things how we fucked up. Right? You know, like, this is just it. And, yeah, people that's when I started being myself, and that's when I started the anxiety started going down.
Scott:The stress started going down. And when you start a business, when you when I don't know. If you're at a job, you more than likely put on a mask when you go to work. You put on this mask, and when you start a business, you feel like you have a you have a fresh start. You can finally be you, and I recommend anyone to be themselves because I was putting on this quite mask for, like, a year and a half.
Scott:But then when I finally started being myself, that's when business like, being an entrepreneur, I enjoyed it to my core. So, it is exciting starting a business. It is doing that, but try not to fall into the trap of what do other people want me to be like, what do I wanna be like? And it's so cliche, but, like, that sort of shit. Like, it stopped me from, like, fucking spiraling spiraling, like, really bad.
Scott:That's it kind of saved me being myself, you know, like, because I was being myself to, like, like, you, like everyone else. So why can't I do it on camera? And why can't I do it when I meet clients? You know, like, when I'm at an American event, when I'm pitching, when I'm do why can't I just be myself? Because I want my clients to like me and me like them and build that trust and work with me because they want to, not, I don't know, because I've bullied them into.
Scott:You know? So, yeah.
Dean:My friend I've I've said this on another episode as well, but a friend of mine and I were in the pub and he posts a lot of videos and he was like, you've just got to use that voice that you use to your mate in the pub. No ups, no downs, there's no like, 'hey I'm Scott and this is my property business'.
Scott:Oh my god imagine you spoke to your mates like that. Yeah. Yeah. Here's 5 ways. Go up to a girl in a night.
Scott:Here's 5 ways. Like, shut the fuck up.
Dean:He wants to leave somebody's 20, like, big dude.
Scott:Honestly, man. I mean, like that like my YouTube now, it's you ever seen, like, Clarkson's Farm,
Dean:you know? I have.
Scott:That's, like, known for just being real. Fucking brilliant. You know, like, I've grown up watching, like, Top Gear and Grand Tour, like, all of that sort of stuff and Clarkson's Farm. I love that. And I kind of that's kind of what I'm gearing my YouTube channel towards because I didn't wanna spend a lot of time editing and, you know, like, coming up with ideas.
Scott:Like, see if you're gonna start a business. Chances are you're gonna get into some sort of social media. So, I'm gonna give a wee tip about it. Do stuff and then post it. That's, my favorite thing.
Scott:Like, Alex Mosey says, do stuff and then talk about it. Do stuff and then talk about it. Even if it's bad stuff, talk about it. Good stuff, talk about it. Mundane stuff, talk about it.
Scott:I just made, like, a 6 minute video of me buying a laser measure, but I just talked about all the problems it solves, and I made it fucking, like, funny and fun. So, like, yeah, like, that's what my YouTube channel is now. I don't have to come up with content ideas. The biggest paralysis around social media is what the fuck am I gonna talk about? This person just spoke about 5 ways to, I don't know, get the most profit out of your buy to lets or 5 ways to do this, 10 ways to do that.
Scott:I can't take that idea because facts are facts. Like I can't speak about what they just spoke about because, like, I'll just sound like an echo. I'm like a pirate. So if you just talk if you just do shit and then talk about it, good or bad, people prefer people enjoy the bad, but they appreciate the good. So, yeah, that's what I'm doing.
Scott:And when I'm in my car, I before I get into my car, I put my camera up on the windscreen, and I just have it there ready to go, and I have my microphone here. So I'll get the other day, like, I was getting calls from estate agents. I hit record. If the call's shit, stop recording. But sometimes it's Scott the deal's fallen through.
Scott:Scott this gone this has gone wrong. And I had a site visit today with 2 builders, but I had to organize it. Organizing a site visit sounds boring, but when I hit record, the agent says we can do this time. Call the builder. He says brilliant.
Scott:Agent calls me back. We can't do that time. We have to do another time. Oh, builder can't do that time. Okay, Scott.
Scott:We can do this time. Builder's not answering his phone. Like, you know what I mean? And then I've got to do it with another builder. Like, I'm just showing the fucking chaos.
Scott:That in itself is a should be a boring activity. But when I'm showing you back and forth back and forth and me freaking out whilst driving, like, you know what I mean? Like, it's like I'm not on my phone whilst driving. Don't worry about that. Like, it's just, all this chaos.
Scott:I'm all I'm doing is driving home from work and chaos is everywhere.
Dean:Have you found that this has made you, like, enjoy property more or is it could somebody find this joy in documenting, like, anything at all and then therefore fall because I feel like you've had to become yourself more. You've had to, like, dive into who am I and how do I show up when a camera's on me. Yeah. And that's like this healing thing and has it made your business better or do you just enjoy the video aspect better?
Scott:Well, I've done a video about Burnout. I went, I'd say about a month ago. I mean, like, I call it Burnout, but it was probably a fucking relapse. Like, it was just complete rock bottom, and it lasted weeks. It was a long time.
Scott:Couldn't work. If you told me that we got a deal, I didn't give a shit. Like, it made me feel worse because I was instantly, like, oh my god. That's more work. Usually, I was happy that we secured more deals.
Scott:Right? So I've done a video of when I when I came out of that, like, period of just feeling like shit, and then like 2 weeks ago, I've done a video about burnout because I was like, look, I just went through all of this, and, I'm gonna tell you what I went through. And it was actually Lauren that solved the problem. I'm a creative mind. You've got, like, a left brain, right brain.
Scott:I'm creative, and you got, like, analytical and creative. All of what I was doing was analytical, so I was being someone I wasn't for the whole time I was doing property, like spreadsheets and numbers and all that stuff, whereas I'm a creative. I like editing. I like going out filming. I like drawing.
Scott:I like music, playing instruments. Like, I like that. So she was like, you need to figure out a way to connect who you are to your business so you don't end up killing yourself over your business. So, with the content side of things, I decided, yeah, I'm just gonna I'm just gonna have to, like, be myself. I didn't have a choice.
Scott:I didn't have a choice because the business was affected by how, like, shit well, yeah, how shit I felt. You know? Like, it was it was affected by it, and I couldn't deal with it. So, being myself, I feel like I had to, like, go through a lot to then finally realize something that's obvious. And you do hear people and some people probably listen to this, like, saying, oh, Scott, you're saying a whole lot of words just for just be yourself.
Scott:But I went through, like, a lot like, a really dark time. It really, really sucked. And at the end of it, the lesson I did learn was just be yourself. So when you're on the camera, when you're talking to your friends, talking to your family, talking to anyone, yeah, talking to clients, anyone, yeah, you gotta be yourself, I think. That's, rule number 1.
Dean:Because it gets hard, man. Posting online, building a business. Yeah. There's so many days you're just banging your head against the wall. And I know for a fact when I was making content that was it wasn't really for me.
Dean:It wasn't this like, it was for it was property content for a property alias that wasn't really me. Whereas what I should have been doing more of is exactly what you just said, which is just this is what's going on in my head right now. This is what I'm struggling with and and sort of just documenting. It's like Gary v says just, like, document to overcreate. Just fucking document.
Dean:And it's like, you know, one of those things that you just, like, forget, but when you hear it, you're like, obviously, that's the thing. Like, that's the better thing and just be you. For sure, man.
Scott:Yeah. People buy into people and give away all the secrets, sell the implementation as well. That's, an Alex and Mozy one that I like. So I've done a video. If you want if you literally want to learn, if you're listening to this or watching this, if you are wanting to, learn what I do, how I do it for free, then watch my YouTube video.
Scott:I am literally showing you in real time. I have gotten our floor plans, and I have put them on a wall, and I broke them down. That is the Krabby Patty formula. Like, do you know what I mean? But, like and I I do all the other stuff.
Scott:Like, I I show everything because some people just want the food. They don't want to farm. So none of us are farmers. I don't know about you. You kinda look like one, you know?
Scott:Don't we? Yeah. Kinda. So, yeah, we just want the food, man. So, like, people are like, you're gonna lose clients because they're gonna do it themselves.
Scott:I'm like, no. My clients work 80 hours a week. They want to spend time with their family. They're not gonna then start a whole ass business and learn something new. They they we we still get the clients.
Scott:Don't worry about it. But if you share half assed information, people are gonna associate you with being half assed and think you know you don't know shit. But when I'm I know a lot of people that do my niche, and very, very, very few people go into it as depth as I do for free because I mean, I've had people ask if I if they want to be mentored by me, and I, I don't do mentoring. Nothing against it. I've got a mentor.
Scott:I am touch on that. Here's another tangent. Get a mentor. If you are starting a business, get a mentor. If you think, I don't know if I should listen to the Scottish guy, ignore that.
Scott:Get a mentor. Just get a mentor. I don't care what it is you do. Get a mentor. That's where everything changed for us.
Scott:I was on a downward track, trajectory. I was doing everything wrong, everything wrong, and, yeah, get a mentor. And basically yeah. Let's go back to business actually. I'll touch on the fact, like, we're we're doing mentoring.
Scott:So, that's my one big big biggest advice, is get a mentor, someone that's about 3 to 5 years ahead of you. I've done a whole video on this. Please watch it. And, getting a mentor is so so important simply because, you don't know you're doing something wrong until it's too late, until you have lost a lot of money, until you've lost a lot of time, until you potentially lost your family. Some people lose their life.
Scott:You do not realize how far it can go, going wrong, you know, like it can get pretty serious. So, not saying a mentor will be the be all and end all and save you and do all the work for you, that is not the case. But if you're going down the wrong path, they can just go, nope. Keep going keep going this way. Get a mentor.
Dean:In your corner, man.
Scott:Yeah. For sure. And they can, and niche down as well. So when we got a mentor, it was in a specific niche. And becoming the expert of one thing, being that go to person is where it's at because if you do everything you're a GP.
Scott:You're like a general prep like, doctor. If you do one thing, you're a brain surgeon. You know? Think about the pay gap between them 2. You could charge 10 times more, which we literally have done because we niched out, and we have provide we are I only know one thing.
Scott:If you ask me about I kinda know buy to lets. Everyone should know buy to lets, but I kinda because I don't care about them. I care about what I do, you know. Service accommodations, that's what you do, ain't it? Yeah.
Scott:I don't know jack shit. Don't ask me anything about it. I've had HMO conversions. That's all I know. That's all I get paid to know.
Dean:I would like to get into that. Let's use that as a nice segue to get into because we've obviously and we're gonna go into your ups, downs, everything. Right? Yeah.
Scott:I wanna
Dean:get into that. But I think just to bring someone up to speed as to, like, specifically because there's fucking loads of strategies in property. Everyone and their granny is selling a property course and their strategy
Scott:is already getting better. Socializing. Yeah. Right, right, right, right.
Dean:Yeah. Just 10 k a month. Blah, blah. All this bullshit. Like Yeah.
Dean:What is it that you actually do?
Scott:So we convert houses into HMOs. What is a HMO? It's a house of multiple occupation, multiple people so you have, like, you rent out each room, 3 more people from different houses. So me, you, someone else rent out individual rooms, and that's what we do. We can we get a house, usually old Victorian style build, and when I say convert it, we basically just add extensions, convert lofts, we add more space.
Scott:So say if a house is 80 square meters, we wanna bring that up to about 120, 130, and we do that by extending moving the entrance from the front of the house to the side of the house so the living room can now be a studio and adding dormers, like loft loft conversions and stuff. Now if the house is already 1 20 square meters or 1 30, it's already got the size, that means we can go for that that means we can put, like, a higher offer in because we spend less on the refurb. We don't need to do extensions and dormers. We still we just need to, like, you know, like, add studios and stuff. But, yeah, we, convert houses into HMOs by adding studios to, self contained studio style rooms with kitchens and stuff.
Scott:High end. You're ready for a few sexy buzzwords? High end, premium, luxury. Like, that's what we do, man. Because I care just as much about the tenants as I do about, the the landlords because I am a tenant, and I hope to be a landlord, and I can empathize with tenants, and I can sympathize with landlords, you know.
Scott:Like, I think with the tenants, I want them to enjoy their stay. I want them to look forward to coming home. I want them to make it feel like a home, and I feel like with what we do to properties and putting the best of gear in, it does feel like a home. It you do you can have a shit day at work and go, at least I've got where I need to go, like, my my home. You know?
Scott:Like, if I'm not saying it's a mansion, but I've seen some properties that make me, like, infuriated towards landlords, and they don't care. So, I'm trying my mission, not that you asked, is just to eradicate every shit landlord in the world. And that's a good old mission, that. I hate them. And if you listen to Yeah.
Dean:People are people. Some landlords. You ever see those videos of landlords, like, text messages and they're reading out, like, how bad the landlord's been, man?
Scott:They're super biased. You do get shit tenants. But, yeah, like, if, I mean, I've said it loud and clear. Like, if I've seen shit landlords and they kinda wanna work with me and I don't want anything to do with them, do not come near me. Like, even when I was starting out, no clients.
Scott:85 p as essential ready meals in the bank. Do not fucking come near me. Like, I did not wanna work here. But you do get you do get really, really gnarly tenants as well. My friend Charlie, he, came back to his property and the house was, for lack of better words, brown on the interior.
Scott:When he originally renovated it, it was white. And, I think you could put 2 and 2 together. It stunk. The whole house. I don't even it must have been that's like it's like a Jackson Pollock, and it took a long time to get that sorted.
Scott:So, like, tenants can be very rough.
Dean:K. So that's what you do. You do HMOs, and you document it. And through you documenting it is how our relationship formed. And just to going back a little bit, because I wanna talk about what it's been like for you since you left, what you did, and this sort of graph, you know, this sort of nonlinear graph that we we all think it's gonna be linear.
Dean:And I wanna get into all of that as well. But one of the things just going back to when we met or at least virtually was that stood out to me was your I think it was your authenticity. I could tell straight away you only had, I don't know, a couple of 100 people following you, I think, when I started speaking to you. And I was like, I don't know. It's I just was like, yeah.
Dean:Fuck yeah to this guy. He's fucking keeping it real. And, you know, in in doing a bit more of a thorough deep dive for this episode, I've picked up on so much about you that I hadn't quite hadn't been quite fresh in my mind, you know, and it was just I gave this I had this, sorry, very fond appreciation for your journey. It's been so sick, man. Honestly, I really mean that.
Dean:And one thing I wanna zoom in on now quickly is December 2023, you said you had to go back to get your job again.
Scott:Yeah. Back to saving lives man.
Dean:To make ends meet and to just keep the bills going man. And and I, as somebody who was in the wars on my side of property and I was fucking scared I just had to go back into a job, all this. I feel that, man. Like, what was going through your head?
Scott:Yeah. That was, that was rough. Thank you for all of that. Like, that was cool. That was really it's really nice to hear that.
Scott:But, yeah, that was that was rough. I mean, in the spirit, like, I was tossing and turning, you know, like, just admitting, like, how much do you wear on your sleeve, online? But I feel like I've said a lot, but I think I mean, when I was, like, 17, 18, struggling a lot, like, like, with mental health, like, really struggling, like, diagnosed with a few things. So that's why I think, like, when I've done the burnout, maybe it wasn't a burnout. And when I had to go back to work and there's, like, a couple other events, you know, like, it it it triggered all of that.
Scott:Like, it it was really, really rough, but going back to work wasn't, I've lost everything on Monday. I'm back to work Tuesday. It was, so me and Lauren moved to Sheffield in November November 14, 2022. I meant I went down with about $20 from the flip that I've done in Scotland. And just to rewind a wee bit, I used the money from so my when I was Australia, grandparents passed away.
Scott:They left the house to my dad and uncle. I borrowed money from my dad, and then my mom sold some puppies at the same time, coincidentally. And they I used those are my 2 private investors. I used that money to get the flip, flip the house, through YouTube and TikTok. It took me a year when it should have took, like, 8 weeks, and then used the money to go down to Sheffield.
Scott:So I had about 20,000, 25,000 down to Sheffield. I thought I was invincible. That's more money I've ever seen in my life. I genuinely thought I was fucking rich. Like, that is cash money.
Scott:I've been on minimum wage under £10 and over for, like, my whole life. So I thought I was living it. I was like, this will last me about 5 years, you know, like, hyper stupid. So, I was using the money for the to pay rent, to pay for a car I couldn't afford, to pay for insurance, to pay for parking, to pay phone, cloth you know, like, I wasn't spending on flat all of it went to, like, building a business. But building a business for me at the time was very expensive because I was dabbling in things like Facebook ads.
Scott:There's a few grand gone and, you know, getting, like, laptop, getting things to even, like, use the business and, so How
Dean:much how much savings did you have that you blew on all this?
Scott:I had about, I'll say 25. But that was and then by, I think it was, like, October it was August, I lost it all. By the by time August, it was, like, down to, like, 100, like, 8 or 900. Right? And then I sold my car, and I really hope I don't get in trouble for saying this, but it was financed, and I sold the car.
Scott:And I was like, I'll use the money, and I'll just keep paying the finance. Turns out you're not allowed to do that. The guy called me, said he was gonna take me to court unless I because he tried to fucking sell it on. So, like, he was like he was like, I'm good. I'll take you to court.
Scott:Like, send me the money right now. I was like, holy shit. Oh, no. He it was pay the finance company right now because I hadn't told them I was just intending on using that money. I hadn't realized it was, like, wrong.
Scott:And then I basically, so I had the money and then I thought, oh, I spot me another year, and then it was all gone again. Then it was,
Dean:Now we're August 2023.
Scott:August 2023, and then I had to start, like I went into the overdraft. Overdrafts don't scare me because, not for any good reasons. It's not like I know anything. It's just that, like, risk I'm I I really I get scared of weird things. This I've been shaking, like, a lot today because of this, but a skydive didn't scare me.
Scott:You know? Like, like, starting a business didn't scare me, but, like, little things terrify me. So going into the overdraft, I didn't care. I just went into it. But then, like, my dad talked to me.
Scott:He was like, you you need to fucking go back to work. I guess, you know, what are you doing? I didn't I had I'd sold one deal by that point, and I used the money to get an engagement ring from my fiance because not she would have been happy with the Harry bow, by the way. Like, I just wanted to lock her in. Like, we've been together for a long time.
Scott:Man. Yeah. Like, I mean, that was the goal from the start, but I was at end of this year, I'll earn about $50 a month. Yeah. So I'll just buy an engagement ring.
Dean:That's the most romantic
Scott:shit. And then the yeah. That that put me fucking, like, for what proper in the red. But she is the least materialistic person ever. She would've, like, she would've been happy with, like, a honest to God.
Scott:Onion ring. Yeah. A little hoop, man. Like, honest to god. She, she was happy.
Scott:But, you know, like, we we done this awesome engagement in, Scotland in front of a castle and stuff, and that was cool. But, so I was on a high and then I was like shit, I've got no money again. Pardon?
Dean:Were you nervous for that?
Scott:Terrified man, like I was like I wasn't expecting a note, but like I recorded the I I've I've been recording videos for years. I just never shared them because it's like for me and the family. So I was recording the video, doing this big build up, asking her family for permission, recording that secretly, you know, like, creating this, like, movie. And, yeah, I was like, it'd be a shit ending, like, if she said no. But, yeah, I said I wasn't gonna give her a lift home if she said no.
Scott:So, we're like that was August, and and then I had to go back to lifeguarding. So, I started lifeguarding 1st December, but I started another lifeguarding and swim teaching job. So I became a swim teacher and lifeguard at the other job, and that was, like, September or something. So I went back to work. That was not part of the plan.
Scott:That was I didn't tell my friends, certainly didn't put on fucking social media, didn't tell anyone except obviously, like, my family, because they're they're, like, they're they're my circle of friends, my family. Like, I'm happy, like, with them. They're cool. So, I told them, and they were pretty chill about it, you know, like, they didn't they didn't care. Like, I mean, at the end of the day, I hadn't to quit.
Scott:I hadn't moved back home. I was still down here keeping the dream alive. I was doing what's required.
Dean:Did that fuck with you psychologically though? Because, I mean, I I remember it being quite a tumultuous time in my mind when I act when I had to go back. So I was, like, I was 40 k in the hole when I had these 2 service accommodation deals. Man, they were pissing away money, and I was I I I wouldn't say, like, I was panicking or anything, but it was this cloud that followed me. I just felt heavy every day, and I felt like I was just so far behind.
Dean:But what I love about what you're saying is that you were just like you feel at least it feels like you were, like, super positive even throughout those crazy times, which is fucking cool, man, if you maintain that.
Scott:Well, you know, I've been on minimum wage my whole life. I've I've technically only always I ever been on the way up technically, like, lived with my parents and then got a studio. So, like, the next stop is a 1 bed apartment. Two bed apartment. Holy shit.
Scott:Fucking nice. And, you know, like, the only way is up. So I've only ever known minimum wage pay. So going back to work, although it sucked, it wasn't I wasn't rich, lost it all, and then went back to work. But I think, what do you know what?
Scott:It was a double edged it was it was really weird because when I was working down here by myself in Sheffield, I was I wasn't out a lot. I was in the apartment all the time, my studio. Lauren would leave for work and come back to work, and I was still there, just working away, working away, working away, and that was rotting my brain. I was not going outside. I wasn't socializing, creating shit.
Scott:I was creating shit videos for social media. I was just it was just a sin it was like I was building up all of this, like, stress. I was not doing anything, other than working. So when I had to go back to work, I it broke me. But then when I started my first shift, I felt better than I did in months simply because I was around people my age.
Scott:Lifeguards, they're they're usually just, I say my age. I'm getting old, man. Like, they're about, like, 22, 21. I'm not that age anymore. Yeah.
Scott:I'm pushing it. So, yeah, like, the I was around people that were not involved in property, not involved in business, and they were just fucking, like, chill. Do you know what I mean? And then I get back in property. So, like, I'm still a lifeguard, like, to this day, and it's what, was it?
Scott:September? September or September. Yeah. It is September. Well, it's my birthday.
Scott:I should know. Yeah. So it's September. I'm still a lifeguard. If you looked at my social media, you might and you see, oh, site visits and fucking oh, we got another deal accepted.
Scott:Scott, are you lying about these deals accepted? Because you're still lifeguarding. Property is a slow burner. Slow burner. Like, we just had a deal that take 8 months to get a conveyancing.
Scott:So I'm still I'm still lifeguarding. And, yeah, when I'm sat on that chair and I'm watching the pool and I'm watching Barbara swim a 100 lengths, and I want to die, it's there. But I make career well, business changing decisions while sitting on that pool because I don't have a phone. I don't have music. I don't have distractions.
Scott:It's just me and Barbara just chatting away. Like, I'm just watching her swim breaststroke, and I'm thinking and I'm thinking about to do lists, what to do, what to do. So going back to work at start, I thought it was the end of the world. I thought I let Lauren down, let my family down, but now, it I I I have time to myself when I'm sat on poolside, and it's probably the only few times that I have zero distractions.
Dean:So, right, December 2023 you came back in as a lifeguard, right? Yes. And then now we're at September, you're still there, yeah?
Scott:Still there?
Dean:Still there, okay.
Scott:Yeah. You're rocking.
Dean:And like, what I'm really curious about is just, and I'm I'm digging on this because I love how authentic, honest, and candid you are. Like, honestly, Scott, because your journey, right, your journey is not one that would sell a course. If you were, like, being, like, you've got to buy the Scott McPherson course and all you have to do is go through 2 years of absolute hell, financial stress, like, no one's gonna wanna do that. But fuck, man. It's so authentic and it's so like more journeys are probably paved with shit than than the guy who tells you in 2 weeks he's made bajillions of pounds, right?
Scott:Yeah, I mean it's a shame that, I mean I love the praise for being authentic, but it's a shame that that you now have to give that praise because there's so much shit around. There's so much flaws for me. It's a shame. But
Dean:So just staying on that then, right? Yeah. Staying on that. So we're now in September, like, the business seems to be getting better, like it does from looking at your Instagram.
Scott:Oh, yeah. Exactly. It seems
Dean:like things are getting better.
Dean:Like talk me through how much income, like, this portfolio you have is, like, producing now and, like, when do you actually see yourself getting because I'm assuming you don't wanna do the lifeguard gig all the time as nice as it is and therapeutic as it is. I'm sure you'd like to do that.
Scott:Well, the weird thing well, what I do is I do it for other people. It's called deal packaging. I hate calling it deal packaging. I hate calling it deal sourcing because there's a few gurus out there that sell a course for a pound if you know who he is. So you've sold
Dean:any deals, dad?
Scott:That's what we do. That's what I do. I build portfolios for people. Like, everything you see me do, that's for someone else who's in Hong Kong, Dubai, America. Like, I'm doing that because my plan is, because I ran out of money and because I'm now on minimum wage and have fucking I like, do you know what I mean?
Scott:Like, because I have no big income coming in, I thought I would build a cash flowing business and then raise funds. And basically, when it comes to raising funds and doing your own portfolio, I would like I am gonna do my own portfolio. When like my YouTube videos, it's building up to that. That's like the underlying theme. Like I do really wanna do it, but I have to build a business first and then do that.
Dean:So you brought yourself back down to this like financially sounder place than you were in December 2023 which was what which was already like a year into your journey at that point? When when did you actually start start?
Scott:Start start 2021 is when I done my first flip. I was in Australia 2020. That's when I had the epiphany, and I came back.
Dean:Fuck, man. That's, like, that's a grind. Right? And then I
Scott:was in the overdraft last week. Bro, like, that's 5 years.
Dean:Fucking greedy, man. It's gonna come good
Scott:for you. I fucking Yeah. I mean, like
Dean:feel it, man. I just the the fact that you are still here Yeah. Still fucking standing and you're doing it with a fucking smile, man. I'm Well, yeah,
Scott:I mean hopeless. Seriously. I I I don't know what it is. Like, you have you have you get to the point you can't stop. Like, you get to the point that I didn't come this far just to come this far.
Scott:But Kim Kardashian, she's fucking smarter than she looks, you know. Like, that quote really comes in my head, like, a lot. You know? So, yeah, you got the journey I'm I'm not successful enough to say the journey was the best part because I'm still going through it, and people could start today and in 6 months be further ahead than me. But the business is doing very well.
Scott:Like, I'm not gonna sugarcoat that. I don't want it to be looked like, you know, like Sure. I still haven't made progress. Like, I I the biz we've got 5 projects on about to have a 6th one, and that equates to around 2,500,000 we're working on. And it's I mean, those big numbers, they scare the shit out of me, and I don't like to think about it.
Scott:I just like to think, oh, I'm gonna do this, gonna do this, gonna do this, but, yeah, it's a weird feeling because let's say you are at work and or you have to you have to go back to work and you do still have your business or you're starting your business. It's gonna be it's it's very weird doing all this work and seeing your business thrive and still working at your job. And you're like, when do I quit? And you're like, I don't know when to quit. You know, like, when should you quit your job?
Scott:I don't I personally don't know that because I fucked it up the first time. I can't give advice. But I think, the weird feeling I have right now, one minute I'm in my lifeguard in uniform, and I'm sitting on poolside earning national minimum wage, And the next minute, I'm going to view properties, and we've got one's in conveyancing. And we've got, like, this morning, that was a site visit with builders. We've got refurb starting on the 23rd, and we've got one's completing tomorrow, one completed last week.
Scott:All of this crazy shit that's happening, and then it's like poolside, and I'm sat in silence in my lifeguard uniform. And I go and I I've been getting called by agents. I've been told offers have been accepted whilst in my lifeguard uniform in the staff room. Like, it's fucking weird working and being a and and having a business, but I know that I'm gonna look back and think that that was fucking fun. Like, that was wild, and I'm glad I recorded it.
Scott:And that's what I recommend everyone do, man. Like, if you go on my YouTube channel, that's what I'm doing. I'm just recording it because I want to be 60 years old and look back and think, holy shit. At least I get to document it and see it and watch it. That's pretty fun.
Scott:But, yeah, I think I know it's been 5 years. It's been a rocky 5 years, but starting a business is like climbing climbing a mountain, although I've never done it. I'll say going for a walk. Just when you think the walk is coming to an end and you start feeling hopeful, you start speeding up your pace, you turn around the corner, another long straight, gets harder, and then turn a corner you keep having these false hopes. But when you turn a corner, there might be, like, a nice view or there might be, like, I'm not an ice cream van, fucking something something that will reward.
Scott:And I've been able to do this all this time and still be on the like, balancing on the razor because I can find the wins along the way. You know, like, I get happy when we at the start, I was happy people accepted to see me for a coffee, not even a client. I was happy when I went to a networking event. I had the courage to go to a networking event. People like, yeah, but you didn't talk.
Scott:Yeah. But I fucking went. That's cool. And then I would nearly talk the second time. Then I would practice in my apartment, and then I would eventually talk at a networking event.
Scott:Big win. But that's not made me money. It's not got me clients. Like, it's about finding the wins on the way, And I think that if you don't find the wins on the way, you'll spend about 10 years of your life fucking miserable. And then when you hit that big goal at the end, that £10,000,000 goal, the 10 years of misery will not make up for the happiness, and you'll use that £10,000,000 to get yourself a nice car and drive into a fucking wall.
Scott:Because, like, you have to enjoy the journey because the happiness, the quote happiness at the end will not make up for the 10 years of shit that you've just gone through. So, yeah, I don't know, how to specifically say enjoy the journey, but I think just finding those wins along the way, that's the stuff that's kept me in like, kept me sane. The shit times will come, and they will fucking come. It's normal. Welcome to being an entrepreneur.
Scott:If it doesn't get shit, you're doing it wrong.
Dean:Do you think some people should just actually let's say they felt the way you and I felt in our previous careers. Right? We're like, I don't really wanna do this. This is not I like, if I continue to do this for 30 years, I wouldn't feel great about that in 30 years. Like, but even in saying that, hearing your story, right, it reminds me that probably it's not for everyone.
Dean:Right? A lot of people probably wouldn't have the resilience that you have to go through what you went through. Like, it's not gonna be easy, right?
Scott:No, but I think creating false realities, completely false realities that if I said that loud to the people, they would be like, Scott, what the fuck are you talking about? So I should
Dean:say as well, like, this is Honestly. This is the game of property. Right? Property is a fucking brutal one. But then again, there's no easy one per se and maybe some people, like, because I wouldn't obviously wanna scare someone either from if the person listening was like, oh, shit.
Dean:I don't wanna go through 2 years. You might not. Like, I know plenty of people who are, like, doing it in a way now where they're segueing real nicely.
Dean:And, like, it doesn't have to be. All I'm saying is, like, me and you both have pretty precarious stories
Dean:In order to get to where we are now. And I wouldn't wish anyone to do what I did and I'm sure you probably wouldn't wish anyone to go the way you
Scott:did. Well, I think everyone
Dean:yeah go ahead.
Scott:Well, it stopped me from going out every weekend party and I'm ruining my life to fucking sat here. This is weird. It's like a fever dream. But, yeah, I think, like, creating false reality has definitely helped me. Oh, if I don't succeed, like, my family will be broke forever even though they're not.
Scott:Like like, do you know what I mean? Like, just creating this false pressure, false reality. But, like, I have, like, said to Lauren, I was like, if if me and Lauren has an have an agreement. She reluctantly done this, but I was like, listen to an agreement. If I make it, I bring her up with me.
Scott:So if I make a lot of money, I get her a mentor, good agent, like, voice acting coach, get her up, you know. And she makes it. She, like, helps me out, gets me all the way up. So, like, we don't just one succeeds and the other one's failing the whole time. We we're gonna do what we can to help the other person.
Scott:Like, I'll get her the best vocal coach and stuff, like, really try and help her because we're a team. So, if I knew I was gonna go through 5 years of shit, I probably wouldn't have started. The the blessing is that you don't know, and you get in so deep that you can't quit because if you quit now, it was all for nothing. But if you're not prepared to go through years of shit, I would say just don't start because if you say if you think you're gonna succeed this is what I've done. I thought I was gonna succeed in a year.
Scott:I was sold that it was gonna be easy. And then when it didn't happen by the end of that year, I was gonna be I thought I was gonna be making 10 deals a month. You know? Like like, 50, $60 a year. That's what I thought.
Scott:Not a month. By the end of that year, I was back lifeguarding. So I had these unrealistic expectations in a unrealistic time frame, and I failed. Now if I adjusted my goals to I'm just gonna still be here by the end of the year, and I'm just gonna make sure that I have one client by the end of the year, I'll have succeeded. I'm in the exact same position, but my goals are different.
Scott:So I think that you might listen to me and you might think, I don't wanna go through all of that, but you have to be prepared to because, expectations lead to disappointment. If you expect to be successful in 1 year and you're not, you will be disappointed. If you expect to make a1000000 in a year and you make $500, guess what? You will be disappointed. But if you expect to make $50 in a year and you make $500, you're fucking buzzing.
Scott:Same outcome, different feeling. So I think, like, if you expect to take 10 years or 5 years or however many years and you do it unless you will be happy, but if you expect to take 1 year and you take 3 years, you'll be angry. You know, it's just managing your expectations and your goal setting, you know, because you want to be happy with the outcome, not devastated by it. And that's a lesson I definitely learned. I had awful expectations.
Scott:I wanna be x in a stupid amount of time frame. I wanna be a millionaire in a year. Have no business thinking that. I was back on minimum wage within a year. Like, you know, there was a yeah.
Scott:I think you gotta really manage your expectations and prepare to go through it's not all stress, But, yeah, years of stress, but it's not all stress. I've met some incredible people. I think what
Dean:Hey. Hope you're enjoying the interview. There's about 6 or 7 minutes left with Scott and I where Scott actually tells a very emotional story of a big struggle that he has contended with in very recent times. And I hope you've enjoyed what we have discussed so far. I hope you're taking something from Scott's optimism despite when things are going really, really hard.
Dean:The thing that stood out to me in particular about Scott is that no matter what is happening to him, he is still trying. We all have things that get in the way. Each of us can point to so many reasons why we don't do x or we don't attempt y. But we know deep down that we can try, And Scott is a perfect example of someone who is doing just that. What you'll also have probably noticed is that Scott has spent money on getting educated by someone he trusts, by someone he's researched.
Dean:Very often I hear, Dean, I wanna do something, but I just don't know where to start. Sometimes you can start by entrusting yourself with someone else. And that's exactly what Scott has done here. That's what I did previously. The main thing the main thing here is that Scott is still showing up despite the setbacks, and he's still trying.
Dean:So I hope you can take something from that today that you can walk away with and take action right now. Just take one action today based on what Scott has said. So if you have enjoyed it, you can support the show by sharing it with a friend or giving a rating on Spotify or subscribing on YouTube. Those 2 in particular really help out the growth of the channel, and I would be greatly appreciative of you doing that. But without further ado, let's just head back in for the last few minutes of this interview where Scott tells us pretty powerful story, and we can wrap this up.
Dean:I hope to see you on the next one, and enjoy the rest of the interview. I think what you're doing so well, by the way, is not like of course, it's gonna be hard and you're gonna take a while to build any sort of meaningful, cash flowing, fruitful asset that you own. Like, that's just gonna take a little bit of time. Yes. There are exceptions and so on and so on.
Dean:We all know that. Right? But it's just gonna take a little bit of time. But what you're doing really well on top of that is clearly enjoying the act of getting there despite all the curveballs that are coming your way. And, genuinely, I'm saying this with such you can see I'm saying this with such intensity because I need to do this more.
Dean:I need to enjoy this a bit more. And I know several people close to me that also need to do that. So that's why I'm kinda so moved by how much you're still showing up with a fucking smile on your face. Yeah, And I think anyone who's, like, about to quit their job or maybe they wanna it's it's something that's on their mind but they're not sure if they have it in them hearing what you have to say about where you are and how it's been to get here.
Scott:Yeah. For sure. There's something that I like to say to myself that when I'm going through the throes of it, like, 2 months ago. A lot of my stories going through the throes of it, they're very close to each other because it fucking happens all the time. But, like, I got really, really, really fucked over, in property.
Scott:So I lost a lot of money, lost so much effort. Like, basically, loads of work came to nothing, and it threw me in a loop. I think that's what triggered, like, the initial, like like the like the quote burnout. Like, it really messed me up. And What happened?
Scott:I don't know if I can really you ever had, like I do deal packaging, and other people do deal packaging. I found an off market property. I will not say namesake or anything, but I found an off market property. Basically, I went through a lot of effort to find it, sent a letter, handwritten guy, and I met him, got, to agree to a price. It's a lot of effort this, finding this.
Scott:And he agreed a price and then call up a client, sell him the deal. He's buzzing. Fuck yes, Scott. Let's do it. I then try and call the seller.
Scott:He's not answering, and it turns out that another person that does what I do, like deal packaging, worked with them, and they sold it to, like, their client. And it we didn't like, me and this other deal packager, like, we didn't have, like, a strong relationship. But this do you remember that video, like, where I was tearing up? The 4th deal. This was the actual 4th deal.
Scott:So, like, all of this was riding on it, and it got ripped away. I had to let the client know. I had to let, like, Michael know. I just, that threw me in the loop. And it really fucking sucked, and I was angry, and I was typing all these messages to send to all these, like, rage filled messages deleted.
Scott:Messages deleted. And my notes deleted, and I couldn't sleep. And I was on poolside, and I was fucking fuming. I had my Apple Watch, and I was just saying like, writing voice notes. Just going to fucking like, not to her.
Scott:Like, just I was doing all these things, like rage, but I never once messaged messaged her or anything. I went back to the apartment, and I just said to Lauren, I was she could see how angry and shit I felt. And I just said, the bigger the dragon, the better the story. Like, this is gonna be fucking good. I'm gonna be talking about this one day.
Scott:And on my old videos, when I'm in the same situation, like, fucking fuming, I actually have videos of me December 2022 in my studio, and I'm literally refer like, referring to the audience in the networking. I'm like, and to all of you listening to me talking right now, like, all of them, I'm like, this is gonna be a good story on a podcast. This is gonna be a good story when I'm presenting. And if you're in the audience listening to this, what's up? Like and I'm in the fuck I'm in the throe of it, like, yeah.
Scott:The bigger the dragon, the better the story. That goes through because when you listen to all these people, these entrepreneurs, these business anyone, business owners, they tell a story of where it all went wrong and that isn't just a 2 minute sound bite. That is someone's life crumbling and crashing around them in real time, and it's all going wrong. All going wrong. And people trying to people's you you hear enough of them, you start thinking it's a bit of a sound bite.
Scott:And what I just spoke about there, that was a bit of a sound bite. It lasted, like, what, 90 seconds, 2 minutes, but it was like my life was crumbling around me. And then I think that I think you just gotta say to yourself the bigger the dragon, the better the story because it's just true, and you know you're gonna tell that story one time. You'll have been through worse. If you're gonna start a business, chances are you'll have been through worse things than what business can do to you.
Scott:So you you haven't had a perfect life until you start the business. It's not that you haven't experienced any stress. You haven't experienced any anxiety. You have dealt with it, and you have survived. If you're listening to this, you have survived, so you will survive again.
Scott:And I think that just I don't know. Like, if you get good in the if it happens enough times like it has with me, you get good in the moment realizing this is the moment that you're gonna be talking about. This is the moment I feel my worst. This is the moment I can't sleep. This is the moment I've I've been crying for, like, an hour and a half.
Scott:Like, this is the moment I'll be talking about. And then you're like, oh, it's it's fucking fine. This is just the more stories, the better. When I release a book, it'll be fucking awesome. What's a book without a good story?
Scott:Right? You know? So, yeah. Not saying I'm releasing a book. But, like, yeah, it's, you need you you need to learn your lessons, going through all the shit times.
Scott:And if you don't wanna spend money on courses, fuck up more because you'll learn very valuable lessons. That's the most lessons I've learned through fucking up.
Dean:I love the bigger the I love that analogy. That's sick. And it's so true, man. And you've got such a cool story, and I will be following it for a very long time. And I can't wait to see things come good for you, man.
Dean:I swear to god. You just I I'm being I'm hyped up from having spoke to you and met you finally. Seriously, like, this energy you're bringing, the resilience you're bringing, it if if I'm feeling it, the person listening's feeling it as well. And, yeah, this has been a sick chat, man. I really appreciate you coming on.
Scott:That's all. I I really appreciate it, man. And, yeah, I'm I'm trying to share it all share it all on YouTube. I'm not really doing shorts anymore. And if people wanna come visit the projects with me, fuck yeah.
Scott:Like, come and visit the project with me. Like, anyone listening, you. Because selfish reason for me, I get to stand up and talk in front of people. It makes me look smart. But you might wanna look around the project.
Scott:So I'm more than happy to do that. And, Yeah. Like, if you want if you feel like unfiltered shit, yeah, I'm I post all
Dean:the time. Your shit in the chat in the show notes.
Scott:It's like Clarkson's Farm. I need to find my Gerald. You know? Yeah. Just the real real real stuff.
Scott:Yeah. I've not got many other plugs. I probably should,
Dean:it's all in if you're listening, this is all in the notes. Yes. And you must go and follow Scott now. When you leave this podcast, go follow Scott and you will be
Scott:And hopefully the next time I'm on, I'll not be saving lives. Just be doing the property. Yeah. Much love brother. Appreciate you.
Scott:You too, man. Thank you. Mate. You smashed my I am sweating. God, I'm sick.
Scott:You know the tough thing is?